Susan please tell me how to get your Kelphorn to come to my email atomaticly so I don't have to look you up..Lazy Cassandra Einstein love your stuff!August 9 2009
Coming from an Einstein, ATOMaticly sounded pretty cool. If I could, I would hand deliver them to you Cassandra!! I will research the email option- good idea!
Cassandra, if you are using Outlook, you can subscribe to the RSS feed, and it will show up in an Outlook folder...
A country where males can never be embarrassed sounds good until I think about the possible reasons why the student believes this is so (if he actually does, of course) and then it scares me.
Susan please tell me how to get your Kelphorn to come to my email atomaticly so I don't have to look you up..Lazy Cassandra Einstein love your stuff!August 9 2009
Coming from an Einstein, ATOMaticly sounded pretty cool. If I could, I would hand deliver them to you Cassandra!! I will research the email option- good idea!
Cassandra, if you are using Outlook, you can subscribe to the RSS feed, and it will show up in an Outlook folder...
A country where males can never be embarrassed sounds good until I think about the possible reasons why the student believes this is so (if he actually does, of course) and then it scares me.
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