Sunday, August 9

Kelphorn #213, Part One

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Anonymous said...

Susan please tell me how to get your Kelphorn to come to my email atomaticly so I don't have to look you up..Lazy Cassandra Einstein love your stuff!August 9 2009

Anonymous said...


Ms. Brazil said...

Coming from an Einstein, ATOMaticly sounded pretty cool. If I could, I would hand deliver them to you Cassandra!! I will research the email option- good idea!

Pebbles said...

Cassandra, if you are using Outlook, you can subscribe to the RSS feed, and it will show up in an Outlook folder...

merlin4012 said...

A country where males can never be embarrassed sounds good until I think about the possible reasons why the student believes this is so (if he actually does, of course) and then it scares me.