Monday, September 29

Kelphorn #124

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Liz Miller said...

Did you feel better after the apology e-mail. I don't I still feel immensely irritated by the political dumbo jumbo of football that interferes with the kids shear enjoyment of the game. And my kids don't even play soccer!!!( Dumbo was a typo but I liked it so much I left it in)

Ms. Brazil said...

No I don't feel better. My apology was more of a religious act- though my intention was really to open up a discussion among all the parents, not piss him off or embarrass him.

merlin4012 said...

I like the drawing on this one, particularly at the top--the shading, the cross-hatching, there's a nice sense of depth to the pillows, and the angle from which the viewer sees the characters is compelling. Captures the insomniac, worrying mood beautifully, with other figure deep in the sleep of innocence. Lovely work.

Gentry said...

I paid some debts today out of religious guilt. If it takes the fear of God to make me pay bills, then bring it on (once a year).